Serious Gaming Comms
ASTi's Voisus software-based communications client integrates high-fidelity simulated radios directly into serious games, such as Bohemia Interactive's Virtual Battlespace (VBS) interactive training system. The audio processing offloads from the desktop application to the Voisus server, which conserves CPU resources, maximizes reliability, and simplifies maintenance via centralized web-based management.
- Operators can access 16 radios/intercoms with an unlimited number of radio nets
- In-game voice communication to nearby players—no more shouting across the desk
- Simscribe is fully compatible with VBS's after-action review (AAR) functionality
- Robust Information Assurance (IA): compliance with the most rigorous government IA standards
- The Voisus client tightly integrates with VBS and launches automatically with the game
- Supports powerful ASTi radio features: single-channel/frequency-hop, AM/FM, and PT/CT
- Players automatically acquire/release vehicle radio and intercom assets as they enter/exit vehicles, which is essential for vehicle-based training
- Radio propagation modeling links ASTi radios to players' in-game positions
- Integrated DIS and HLA interfaces
- Intuitive GUI flattens operator learning curve
- The flexible audio interface supports USB headsets and press-to-talk (PTT) devices
- Communications traffic and in-game audio seamlessly mix in operators' headsets
- Keyboard hot-keys for PTT, transmit/receive, and radio/net selection
- Integrates with any game via our free, powerful software development kit (SDK)
- Support for game engines, such as CryENGINE, DCS World, Havok, Unity, and Unreal Engine 4 by using the Voisus SDK
- Starter code for Voisus SDK CryENGINE integration
- Centralized, web-based configuration and management using ASTi and VBS tools
In-Game Speech
You are on patrol with your squad, making your way down a burned-out, bullet-pocked street when an RPG explodes against the building. Rounds ricochet off the street in front of you. You dart into a courtyard and take cover behind a nearby wall, yelling to your buddies for fire support. Are they close enough to hear you and respond? Or are you on your own?
Voisus provides the answer. Game users receive realistic vocal communication among players. Come within vocal range, and communications automatically establish among you and nearby players. Move away, and vocal interaction capability fades.
Coupled with ASTi's high-fidelity radio communications modeling, Voisus provides a critical missing element for in-game realism and training. Now players can both communicate over radios and talk to each other in a realistic manner. Vocal command-based coordination critical to operation is applied realistically in the game rather than shouting across the room.
If your training mission involves serious games (e.g., VBS) and not much else in the way of communications, then you can install our Voisus add-in to get in-game radio comms that are more convenient and realistic than the game's default offering. Match that with a few Voisus clients running on PCs for exercise administration and management, and you have a complete, unified communications setup.

But then you remember that you need to record all the game audio for AAR or need to get audio traffic from live radios for your mission training. Add Voisus Radio Bridge and Simscribe to your network for the capability and flexibility you need.