In February, the Redstone Test Center and Aviation Flight Test Directorate at Redstone Arsenal, AL received an ASTi systems upgrade including six (6) new audio communications systems. These systems bridge live radio traffic to the Flight Test Control Center, and provide radio communications for 84 operators.
In April, the Redstone Test Center extended the system's ACENet audio network from a remote mountain antenna site to their facility with more than 15 miles of fiber optic cable. At the remote site, a single ACE-RIU audio device connects to a live URC-200 military radio, and bridges radio traffic from remote aircraft to the facility's DIS network. The ASTi system remains at the Test Control building, along with ASTi's remote configuration and management software.
ASTi has plans to further augment this installation to add its Remote Radio Control capability to the Center's existing system. Using only a web browser, system administrators will be able to control remote radios' presets, squelch, frequency and volume from the Test Control building. This upgrade will simplify the system architecture by replacing an older radio control application, and unify the Test Center's radio and communications infrastructure.

For more information about this installation, please visit:
For more information about Remote Radio Control:
Voisus Radio Bridge