Tactical Communications Training Environment



Army Research Institute
2-13th Aviation Regiment – Unmanned Aircraft Systems Training Battalion


ASTi integrated advanced speech recognition, synthetic speech generation, and a radio communications simulation into a U.S. Army serious game. Using this environment, unmanned aerial systems (UAS) sensor operators can practice manned-unmanned team (MUM-T) communication skills.

U.S. Army photo/Spc. Andrew Ingram, 1st BCT, 4th Inf. Div.

U.S. Army photo/Spc. Andrew Ingram, 1st BCT, 4th Inf. Div.

Challenges &

The challenge requirements are listed in blue; ASTi's applicable components are in black:

U.S. Army photo/Spc. Andrew Ingram, 1st BCT, 4th Inf. Div.

U.S. Army photo/Spc. Andrew Ingram, 1st BCT, 4th Inf. Div.

Intelligent In-Game Entities

Replace instructors or role players with automated, intelligent, in-game entities. Students should be able to practice tactical communications without an instructor present, minimizing overhead and improving students’ flight line performance.

Construct’s framework consists of speech recognition, language understanding, artificial intelligence, and synthetic speech technologies. Within this environment, automated entities respond appropriately to students in real time and take action based on their voice input. Additionally, Construct extracts key information from trainees' communications for after-action review.

Integrate with Partner Technology

Monitor simulation status, control in-game entities, and collect/send information for after-action performance review.

Construct integrates with the U.S. Army's One Semi-Automated Forces (OneSAF) and Aptima's PM Engine™ software using its own RESTful application program interface (API). OneSAF uses the API to communicate with Construct, maintaining simulation state and triggering in-game entities to act. The API (along with DIS compatibility) allows Construct to send captured information to PM Engine for trainee evaluation and review.

Web-Based Command & Control

Provide centralized configuration and management services.

The customer can access configuration and management services for Voisus and Construct from anywhere on the network using a browser.

Support Multiple Training Sessions

Trainees should be able to participate in individual training missions at the same time.

Five or more students can run simultaneous missions on a single Voisus/Construct server. Unique DIS exercise IDs isolate training missions from each other.

Components Deployed

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