Mission Command Training Centers
Integrated voice communications and entity automation for gaming training environment in support of mission command training events.
U.S. Army Garrison-Hawaii's Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security
The challenge requirements are listed in blue; ASTi's applicable components are
U.S. Army Garrison-Hawaii's Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security
During Army training exercises, highly-skilled staff frequently performed low-level tasks. These tasks included listening to virtual radios for trainee battle commands and manually triggering VBS™ tactical game scripts to activate entity behaviors. Training a single soldier in a standard platoon maneuver with four tanks required fifteen soldiers to role-play tank drivers, gunners, and other minor roles. The Army needed a cost-effective, drop-in simulation that could increase trainee throughput while reducing instructor and role-player workload.
ASTi’s Construct automated overhead tasks, producing a trainee throughput increase of 15 to 1. Before, exercises required 15 soldiers to support one command trainee; with Construct, all 16 soldiers can train simultaneously. To achieve Live Virtual Constructive (LVC) training capabilities, Construct automated Virtual Battlespace (VBS)-generated tanks using animated entities that can recognize and understand human speech. As a result, trainees and animated entities can correspond over virtual radios, and tank entities exhibit realistic behaviors, such as moving into formations, traversing to waypoints, and shooting at targets.
The Army’s legacy, in-game VBS virtual radios were unreliable, causing exercise downtime and decreasing throughput. Additionally, the virtual radios were not interoperable with the customer’s Live Virtual Constructive-Integrating Architecture (LVC-IA). This architecture links Games For Training to virtual simulators, like the Aviation Combined Arms Tactical Trainer (AVCATT) and Close Combat Tactical Trainer (CCTT).
ASTi replaced the virtual radios with Voisus, a radio communication environment providing guaranteed interoperability across the LVC-IA program. Voisus encompasses games, virtual simulators, and constructive simulations, such as OneSAF. Additionally, Voisus is field-proven across all of the DoD’s training programs, including the following:
The legacy VBS radios could not operate in all of the LVC-IA virtual simulators’ advanced communication modes. To communicate with VBS game players, aircrews using AVCATT helicopter simulators set up and operated onboard radios in an unrealistic, dumbed-down manner.
Voisus’s radio environment shares the same technology of past radios that ASTi successfully integrated into the Army’s multi-million dollar helicopter simulators. Additionally, Voisus offers trainees advanced crypto and frequency hopping radio modes and physics-based interference and ranging effects.