Advanced Simulation Technology inc. (ASTi) just introduced an X-Plane ownship plug-in to its Simulated Environment for Realistic ATC (SERA) product. This development adds yet another option to the fleet of SERA-compatible flight simulators. The plug-in provides SERA with all the necessary simulation parameters from X-Plane.
Combined with coreDS™ from Distributed Simulation Tools (, the SERA X-Plane plug-in enables SERA to integrate with any flight simulator using X-Plane 11. CoreDS renders SERA traffic out the cockpit window, resulting in a fully immersive aviation training experience complete with full air traffic control (ATC) support.
ASTi developed the X-Plane plug-in to increase interest in virtual reality (VR) for low-cost training, where X-Plane is popular for consumer off-the-shelf simulation engines. While VR trainers offer low-cost training, they traditionally require an instructor to role-play ATC for each device—impractical and expensive in a room full of trainers. Now all of that’s changed. SERA eliminates the need to role-play ATC and generates other traffic in the visual system, which is critical for VFR pattern work. It also provides consistent, 24/7 availability.
SERA is ASTi’s innovative Simulated ATC Environment (SATCE) system. It provides realistic ATC and other radio communications, teaching students to handle busy airspaces and interact with ATC using correct phraseology. Instructors use intuitive web pages to choose and run training scenarios. As a result, they no longer need to role-play ATC and can focus on training during each session. This solution enhances any class of flight training device, replicating the real-world workload that the flight deck crew experiences. The result is an immersive training experience, complete with full ATC support.
SERA fully complies with the latest industry requirements for SATCE solutions. These requirements include the “Manual of Criteria for the Qualification of Flight Simulation Training Devices” (ICAO Doc. 9625, Ed. 4) and the updated ARINC Specification 439a.
Located in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, was incorporated in 2015 with a single idea: provide simple, yet powerful, distributed simulation integration tools. To learn more about, go to

X-Plane Flight Simulator
About ASTi
ASTi is the leading supplier of communications, automated ATC, and sound systems to the training and simulation industry. ASTi meets FAA, EASA, and equivalent Level D qualifications with simulators around the world. Since 1989, ASTi has fielded over 10,800 systems at more than 800 installation sites in the U.S. and 49 other countries. To learn more about ASTi, please visit

X-Plane Flight Simulator