ASTi Comms Unify Army Centers of Excellence

October 17, 2012

ASTi customers at three U.S. Army posts recently held a series of networking and communications experiments aimed at creating a professional development course for Army trainees. Instructors at the Fires Center of Excellence (Ft. Sill, OK); Maneuver Center of Excellence (Ft. Benning, GA); and Aviation Center of Excellence (Ft. Rucker, AL) investigated connecting all three sites over long-haul networks allowing students to participate in joint mission training exercises.

Each simulation center successfully linked to the others, and began using its existing training devices in a common synthetic environment. ASTi Telestra systems provide communications for Ft. Sill's Fire Control Simulator and simulated radios. Ft. Rucker's Flight School XXI Reconfigurable Training Devices use a combination of ASTi DACS and Telestra systems. Its AVCATT trainers also use Telestra servers, and Voisus provides radios for VBS™ serious games. Ft. Benning's participation involved CCTT trainers and VBS™. The experiment worked, and all three schoolhouses enjoyed an integrated, networked training environment complete with simulated radio communications.

The next step is to share a common terrain database between all three sites. But this experiment highlights how all generations of ASTi systems (from legacy to leading edge) interoperate not only with each other, but also with other successful training programs like AVCATT, CCTT and FSXXI.

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